Sunday, January 13, 2013

Arlington, KS

Arlington, KS is situated on KS 61 in Reno County.  Our primary purpose for stopping was to eat at Carolyn's Essenhaus.  

I've heard about this place for years but never got around to trying it until now.  We'd hoped to try their pan-fried chicken, but that's only on Wednesday.  But we certainly weren't disappointed by the food we ordered and the prices were reasonable.  The chocolate pie was superb.  

I have mixed feelings about antiques stores.  I wish there were more 'normal' businesses in these towns, selling hardware and goods that people drive miles to purchase these days.  But without the loving care given to this building by the current proprietor, it would have probably been left to rot.  And it's no small task to attract tourists and the dollars they seem willing to spend.

Small town grocers are becoming an increasingly rare sight.

The main street of Arlington abruptly ends at KS 61.  At this junction is the Crazy Horse Dining Hall which we intend to try the next time we are in the area.  I like the old 'Cafe' sign but it's too bad that the neon was removed at some point.

I'm a sucker for old motels.  I wonder if the owner of the establishment lives above the convenience store.  Admittedly a bit silly, a dream of mine has always been to own and operate a classic motel.

Across KS 61 on the road that leads to Sterling is an old structure that might have once been a school although I haven't been able to determine this for certain.  It appears to be vaguely parochial. 

It's amazing what time and nature can do to even the most solid of mankind's structures.

A 19th-century structure across from the old school.  

Trembley, 1921.

At the eastern edge of the downtown.   Haven is 22 miles distant.

When researching Arlington I stumbled across this.  

1 comment:

  1. Would you be willing to share your photos with the City of Arlington to use on their upcoming website? Please email me,
