Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fellsburg, KS

Fellsburg, KS.  Virtually no information for this place exists on the internet, so I have no idea of its history or even the population.  Whatever the latter is, it can't be much.  What's left consists primarily of a few ruined structures.  

This gem is a true survivor.  Someone obviously still cares for it, although I wonder for how much longer.

The old school.  

Old Chevy station wagon.  These old cars conjure up images of the trips I'd take with my family the 70s.  This being before the days of mandatory child car seats and seatbelt usage, we'd lay the second and third row seats down so we could sleep.  I wish I could see a photo of the original owner driving off the lot in this beast.

Remnants of Fellsburg's downtown.  It's nice to see that these haven't been bulldozed.


  1. Sad to say, but hopefully someone will harvest all these fine bricks and re use them. Would be interesting to find the history of the brick factories in the area - unusual colors. But the gem you show above should be a historic monument. From these fine buildings to metal shacks. Sort of like the pyramids in the shadows of Cairo's modern slums. Great job in preserving these towns in photos. Hope I can make a pilgrimage to these back water towns before I or they are gone

  2. Would requestion permission to use your image of the Fellsburg school in the database I am creating of images of all past and present Kansas high schools.
