Sunday, January 13, 2013

Radium, KS

Radium has probably one of the most ill-advised names for a town ever.  Apparently radium is not uncommon in central Kansas as a resident of Lorraine explained to me how their town recently installed a water-softening system to reduce the radium found in their water supply.  Although Radium seemed more substantial than many of the previous towns we'd visited this day, it turns out that it only has 25 people.  Of those, 64% are over the age of 45.

The old school has several "Keep Out" signs posted.  

Auditorium.  Listen carefully and you might hear the voices of children singing in some far-past Christmas program.  

I wasn't sure what this building was, although I surmised that it was a church from the remains of the bell tower on the right side.  This suspicious was confirmed on the USGS topographic map of Radium.

The mascot for the old school was apparently the "Rangers."

My wife took these photos near Radium at dusk.  

1 comment:

  1. Radium is like 20 miles off route 10 I believe, incredibly beautiful area western Kansas, wife myself and daughter passed through on a road trip. Glad to say we saw some of these towns as we probably will never be in that area again in our natural lives
